Statistical Journey
Super interesting courses I have taken at UC Berkeley:
Fall 2023:
STAT 204 Probability in Application Instructor: Professor Steve Evans (Probability course for people who do not want to be a probabilist.)
STAT 210A Theoretical Statistics Instructor: Professor Will Fithian (Well-known 210 series. A lot of homework but good grading.)
EECS 227AT Optimization Models in Engineering Instructor: Professor Gireeja Ranade & Venkatachalam Anantharam A+ (I like optimization.)
Spring 2024:
STAT 210B Theoretical Statistics Instructor: Professor Nikita Zhivotovskiy A+ (I like Nikita’s teaching style, making me fall in High-dim.)
STAT C245A Introduction to Modern Biostatistical Theory and Practice Instructor: Professor Mark van der Laan & Alan Hubbard A+ (Mark is super smart and I am interested in semi-parametric theory, efficiency theory, and empirical process.)
PBHLTH W252A Introduction to Causal Inference for Public Health Professionals Instructor: Professor Laura Balzer A+ (Basic Causal Inference)
Fall 2024:
PBHLTH 243A Targeted Learning Instructor: Professor Mark van der Laan (TMLE could do anything except RDD.)
STAT C245B Biostatistical Methods: Survival Analysis and Causality Instructor: Professor Mark van der Laan (I always mix this course with Targeted Learning.)
STAT 260 Topics in Probability and Statistics Instructor: Professor Nikita Zhivotovskiy (Everyone should learn Mini-max theory and RKHS once.)
Super helpful reading groups or Seminars I have attended at UC Berkeley:
Fall 2023:
STAT 298 Neyman Seminar hosted by Professor Ryan Giordano
Fall 2024:
Variational Inference Reading Group hosted by Professor Ryan Giordano & Alexander Strang
Optimal Transport and Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation hosted by CTML center
PBHLTH 293 Biostatistics Doctoral Seminar hosted by Professor Lexin Li