Statistical Journey

Super interesting courses I have taken at UC Berkeley:

Fall 2023:

STAT 204 Probability in Application Instructor: Professor Steve Evans (Probability course for people who do not want to be a probabilist.)

STAT 210A Theoretical Statistics Instructor: Professor Will Fithian (Well-known 210 series. A lot of homework but good grading.)

EECS 227AT Optimization Models in Engineering Instructor: Professor Gireeja Ranade & Venkatachalam Anantharam A+ (I like optimization.)

Spring 2024:

STAT 210B Theoretical Statistics Instructor: Professor Nikita Zhivotovskiy A+ (I like Nikita’s teaching style, making me fall in High-dim.)

STAT C245A Introduction to Modern Biostatistical Theory and Practice Instructor: Professor Mark van der Laan & Alan Hubbard A+ (Mark is super smart and I am interested in semi-parametric theory, efficiency theory, and empirical process.)

PBHLTH W252A Introduction to Causal Inference for Public Health Professionals Instructor: Professor Laura Balzer A+ (Basic Causal Inference)

Fall 2024:

PBHLTH 243A Targeted Learning Instructor: Professor Mark van der Laan (TMLE could do anything except RDD.)

STAT C245B Biostatistical Methods: Survival Analysis and Causality Instructor: Professor Mark van der Laan (I always mix this course with Targeted Learning.)

STAT 260 Topics in Probability and Statistics Instructor: Professor Nikita Zhivotovskiy (Everyone should learn Mini-max theory and RKHS once.)

Super helpful reading groups or Seminars I have attended at UC Berkeley:

Fall 2023:

STAT 298 Neyman Seminar hosted by Professor Ryan Giordano

Fall 2024:

Variational Inference Reading Group hosted by Professor Ryan Giordano & Alexander Strang

Optimal Transport and Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation hosted by CTML center

PBHLTH 293 Biostatistics Doctoral Seminar hosted by Professor Lexin Li

Find me on WeChat with the ID LQRweixin1101, or scan my QR code:

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